DAY 3: Eating area that doubles as Command Central station
The blah before:
This room is connected to the galley kitchen and to the outdoor covered porch. The accent and inset wall- with shelves were that angry red again– which we toned down with the scrumptious faux persimmon glaze- and then added a chair rail and the soothing mineral blue paint to add cheer. The table and chairs was switched from the dining room into this room and its the perfect size/scale- We just added a runner with the leftover fabric from the custom valances and also added new happy roman shades- that also match the double doors out the back patio.
To say the homeowners are a busy family is a big understatement! Its nearly impossible for moms to have it all and do it with ease- but that is exactly what this homeowner does!– her secret– the big white calendar! EVERTYTHING is on the calendar– and it needs to be front and center for all to glance at to see what/where/when- its happening. We took a big frame and painted teal for POP and put a magnetic metal sheet in place of glass- and added cutesy custom magnets for each member- and clips for the “Commander” calendar. Mango side file holders were added with mason jar holders for pens scissors etc- all at an easy reach. EASY, BEAUTIFUL ORGANIZED

Stylishly functional. Clean. Soothing. Calm. Organized.
Have you made your eating area a command center before? Show us!